سکندر متين آزادزوی


سکندرمتين آزاد زوی جوان 21 ساله افغان است که در کشور آلمان زندگی ميکند.

پس از بقدرت رسيدن نيروهای جهادی ، سکندر که در آنوقت طفل پنجسالهً بيش نبود با فاميلش به المان مهاجرت نمود. والدينش توجه زياد به تربيه اطفال شان داشتند و سعی زياد بعمل آوردند تا اطفال شان بدرجات تحصيلات عالی برسند تا باشد زمانی برای کشورومردم شان مصدر خدمتی گردند.

سکندر آزادزوی در پهلوی دروس مکتب به آموزش تاريخ و فرهنگ افغانستان و همچنين خوانش آثار مترقی پرداخت که اين مطالعات بدون شک در رشد شخصيت ، بينش و طرز تفکر وی تاثير بسزايی داشته است.

وی تحصيلات بکلوريا را در رشته تجارت به پايان رسانيده و در رشته کمپيوتر بخصوص در طرح و ديزاين صفحات انترنت دسترسی و بلديت کامل دارد.

سکندر آزادزوی بمسايل افغانستان بسيار علاقمند است. وی هميشه در مورد کشورش فکر ميکند و در سايت های مختلف افغانی در مورد افغانستان و مردمش مقالاتی مينويسد.

قرار است وی جهت انجام خدمت سربازی به قشون آلمان بپيوندد و در جمله نيروهای ايساف در افغانستان خدمت نمايد.

سکندر آزادزوی چند ماه قبل ضمن تماسی حاضر شد تا در بخش تخنيکی سايت آريايی را کمک نمايد. وی اکنون بحيث اسيستانت سايت آريايی  ، درطرح  و ديزاين صفحات موزيک ام پی ـ 3 ، گالری آريايی و فاروم آريايی به اين سايت محتوای بيشتری بخشيده است. عنقريب راديوی صدای آريايی به کمک ايشان فعال خواهد شد.

آزادزوی در آينده نيزدر جهت هر چه بهتر شدن و متوع شدن پروگرامهای سايت آريايی کار خواهد کرد که من قلبا از ايشان متشکرم و موفقيت هرچه بيشتر ايشانرا خواهانم.

عزيز جرأت

مسئول سايت آريايی




My name is Sekandar Azadzoy and I am 21 years old. I was born in Kabul and I left Afghanistan with my mother and brothers and sister in the year of 1990. We had never planned to leave our country but the western complot against the legitimate afghan government and the terror attacks of their instruments on civilians forced us like million of other afghans to leave the country and to leave it into hands of uneducated, extremists , Arab instruments and western barbarian puppets.

So when I was six years old, my mother and my brothers and sisters left Kabul toward Germany. So a mother with 4 little children alone on the illegal way from Kabul to a never before seen country. After month’s of isolation and unawareness we reached Germany and the first thing what my mother did was to send us to the school and to buy a radio to hear Radio Kabul as much she could. Sometimes with tears and sometimes with a smile when she heard good news announced by the government.

One year before the puppets of Wahabis, Americans, European and Pakistanis came to power also my father left Kabul and fled to Germany.

Between 1990 and 2005 there was a moment which shocked and changed me totally. When the fundamentalist movement of half Pakistani barbarians captured Kabul and murdered our last hero of the nation Dr. Najibullah. The scandalous views and celebrations of the west and fundamentalist countries on the capture of and Kabul and killing of the last legitimate president which was guided by our neighbour brought me to think different than them (them: West and fundamentalist countries) because this paradoxically behaviour (of killing and celebrating) which was against their own ideal ideologies showed me that democracy and religious states do not exists in that way that they publicise.

When I was 12, I started  reading more and more about  Afghanistan’s history and politics and about the shortcomings in the western and eastern societies and fundamentalism. Lenin’s biography expressed me so much that my first private book after the Quran was Lenin’s “Imperialism the Final stage of Capitalism”. I read more and more to understand the book and bought a few months later Marx’s “Manifest of Communistic Party” which was easier to read. These two books and the undemocratic and unfair global actions of the imperialistic and fundamentalist countries expressed me so much that I am still studying and reading Marxist and neo Marxist literature but also neo liberal economic theories and the effects of capitalism like the globalisation as one of its biggest effects.

Since three years I try to mobilize young afghans in Germany to start a movement against propaganda and wrong ideologies like idealism, totally capitalism and liberalisation of every material thing in the society or a totalitarian  religious state which is ruled by 1400 years old laws which will be still the same laws in the other 1400 years. This would stop the natural progress of human beings to continue with the time, global effects and the advancement of human intelligence to a higher level which will grant us more suffer more poor people and a more undeveloped country, so as we learned from the past like the French revolution this would lead the masses to a new (forceful) revolution and maybe a new conflict.

So I organize meetings for young Afghans since this three years to discuss about the past, future but also about present society.

I also write articles to publish them on the Internet and when I visited the great site Ariaye.com a few month ago I wrote Mr. Aziz Jorat immediately to help him with the technical stuff because of my technical knowledge of Web Programming.

I have finished the 12th class of advanced business school and I will join in a few month the German army to be a part of the ISAF in Kabul. After that I will start to study political sciences in the hope to be one of those who will bring independence, peace and a president who doesn’t live in his own capital like in a golden cage with non-afghan cage holders and the characteristics of a parrot (bird who talks only the words of his cage holder).Currently I work on a video documentary about the years of 1978-1992.

