Fateh M. Sami

مقالات سال های قبلی

مقالات سال ۱۳۹۹


  •   Fateh Sami : Afghanistan's Crisis at the Third Doha Summit: Alarming Signs for the Future
  •   Fateh Sami : A Brief Review of the Historical Causes of Afghanistan’s Ongoing Backwardness
  •   Fateh Sami : Strategic Manipulation by the Taliban Masters and Its Regional Impact in Afghanistan
  •   Fateh Sami : Northern Afghanistan: A Crucible of History and Conflict
  •   Fateh Sami : Northern Afghanistan: A Crucible of History and Conflict
  •   Fateh Sami : Translator’s Commentary – Part 5 Daoud Khan’s Positive Points Also Worth to be mentioned:
  •   Fateh Sami : Translator’s Commentary – Part 4 Daoud Khan’s Positive Points Also Worth to be mentioned:
  •   Fateh Sami : Translator’s Commentary – Part 3 Daoud Khan’s Positive Points Also Worth to be mentioned:
  •   Fateh Sami : Translator’s Commentary – Part 2 Daoud Khan’s Positive Points Also Worth to be mentioned:
  •   Fateh Sami : Translator’s Commentary – Part 2 Daoud Khan’s Positive Points Also Worth to be mentioned:
  •   Fateh Sami : Translator’s Commentary – Part 3 Daoud Khan’s Positive Points Also Worth to be mentioned:
  •   Fateh Sami : Translator’s Commentary – Part 2 Daoud Khan’s Positive Points Also Worth to be mentioned:
  •   Fateh Sami :
  •   Fateh Sami :Unveiling the Tragic Night: President's Harrowing Decision in a Coup's Shadows"_Part 1
  •   Fateh Sami : Complicated Reality: The Failure of the Doha Conference and the Exclusion of Afghan Determination
  •   Fateh Sami : The Political Landscape of Pakistan: A Journey of Turmoil and Transition and prelude to Global Unrest?
  •   Fateh Sami : Taliban's Double Game: A Chasm Between Rhetoric and Reality
  •   Fateh Sami : Echoes of Suffering: Women's Resilience Needs Attention Under Taliban Cruelty
  •   Fateh Sami : Afghanistan: Trapped in Taliban's Brutality, A Product of USA-Pakistan Support
  •   Fateh Sami : Middle East Tensions Simmer: Wide spread Global Reaction for mass killing in Gaza
  •   Fateh Sami : Afghanistan's Wealth and Geopolitical Significance: Drivers of Ongoing Intervention
  •   Fateh Sami :Afghanistan, a Country Teetering on the Edge of Collapse under Taliban's Reign of Brutality - The World a Silent Witness
  •   Fateh Sami : Unpredictable Development of Situation in Afghanistan
  •   Fateh Sami : The consequences of the Taliban administration after August 2021
  •   Fateh Sami : Economic Federalism a Desirable Option for Economic Development of Afghanistan!
  •   Fateh Sami : What are the current challenges facing United Nations (UN)Peacebuilding and how can these be addressed?
  •   Fateh Sami : Major players and failed figures in Afghanistan
  •   Fateh Sami : Remote Diplomacy but Close Contact for Recognition of Taliban Terror Administration Doomed to Failure
  •   Fateh Sami : Creating and Dealing with Terrorists in Afghanistan, a Filthy Game in Achieving Strategic Goals in the Region.
  •   Fateh Sami : Afghanistan Entangles in Protracted Rivalry Game Due to its GeographicalLocation and Rich Mineral Resources.
  •   Fateh Sami : Pakistan Centre of Terrorism, Pursuing its Interests in Instability of Afghanistan.
  •   Fateh Sami : Al- Qaeda Leader, al-Zawahiri Targeted after 20 Years Living in the Haven of ISI. A theme for President Biden’s Boosting Popularity.
  •   Fateh Sami : Russia is All Eye on Development of Situation and Concentration of Terror Groups in North Afghanistan.
  •   Fateh Sami : ISI’s Ostentatious Taliban Clergy Dominated Gathering in Kabul Exposed the Terror Nature of Taliban
  •   Fateh Sami : Complexity and Continuation of Terror Activities in Afghanistan Emanate from a Single Source, Appearing in Various Forms.
  •   Fateh Sami : Afghanistan playground for Foreign Intelligence Operatives and Terror Groups under Taliban
  •   Fateh Sami : Taliban Extends their Survival through Spreading Terror and Continuation of Crisis Situation.
  •   Fateh Sami : Approving the Taliban's occupation of Afghanistan puts the surrounding area at greater risk
  •   Fateh Sami : A Glance at the cause of failure of two Decades US Occupation of Afghanistan_Part -7
  •   Fateh Sami : A Glance at the cause of failure of two Decades US Occupation of Afghanistan_Part -6
  •   Fateh Sami : A Glance at the cause of failure of two Decades US Occupation of Afghanistan_Part -5
  •   Fateh Sami : A Glance at the cause of failure of two Decades US Occupation of Afghanistan_Part -4
  •   Fateh Sami : A Glance at the cause of failure of two Decades US Occupation of Afghanistan _Part - 3
  •   Fateh Sami : A Glance at the cause of failure of two Decades US Occupation of Afghanistan_Part -2
  • A Glance at the cause of failure of two Decades US Occupation of Afghanistan
  • Pakistan Airstrike in Support of Taliban and ISIS Aggressive Militia on Civilians in Panjshir Ascertains that Pakistan is a Terror State.
  • ISI Director General, the Father of Taliban- Daesh Embarrasses to Resolve Taliban Dispute over Power
  • Challenges Facing the Taliban and the Afghan people
  • Why the Taliban so quickly captured Kabul?
  • UNSC Should Impose Sanctions (Negative & Criminal) on Pakistan for its Proxy War in Afghanistan
  • USA Hands over Afghanistan to Pakistan - Daesh and Talib, Annoying Russia, China, India, and Iran
  • Aggressors and Occupiers Commit Atrocious Crimes to the People of Afghanistan
  • A Civil War Seems Looming over Afghanistan- Protracted war Orchestrated to Spread to Russia, China, Iran, and India
  • Taliban and Ashraf Ghani Government are the two sides of the same coin
  • The U.S. military is leaving. Ghani Visits Biden Seeking Help
  • War Peace Corrupt Regime Mafia Group being used for Occupation of Afghanistan
  • Translate & edite into English Mr.Sultan Ali Keshtmands View on Peace in Afghanistan
  • Will Istanbul Summit Ensure Durable Peace or End up in a Civil War?
  • US Cash Money not Used for Reconstruction but for Destruction of Afghanistan
  • US Seeks a Settlement with Taliban Which Serves its Interest alone
  • Afghan Current Affairs Analyst Looks at Doha Peace Talk from a Different Perspective
  • People’s Voice, Uprising to Save Their Homeland
  • the Afghan people want neither the regime of Ashraf Ghani nor the Taliban. Alternative required.
  • Unprecedented Assault on Free Speech
  • Yama Siawash TOLO TV Former Presenter Victim of Conspiracy
  • Attack on Kabul University Crime Against Humanity Khalilzad needs to go away
  • Great Game Continues: Khalilzad’s Peace Agreement with Taliban Disastrous for Afghanistan
  • The Grant Assembly in Kabul to Release Taliban Never End War
  • A Glance Over COVID -19 Vaccine and Conspiracy
  • Terrorists and Their Supporters in Afghanistan
  • A Glance Over Peace Negotiation With Taliban
  • The Outcome of US Occupation of Afghanistan from Afghans’ Perspective
  • Migration – Determinants and consequences
  • I helped a young suicide bomber
  • Exaggerated Registration Counts: Election Scandal
  • Is reality culturally determined
  • Dancing With The Devil
  • peech at the Gathering held in front of Parliament House of Victoria in Australia
  • I Drank My Tears
  • Florida Terror Attack Afghans’ Daily Experience
  • Afghanistan Current Situation
  • People’s Opinion on Two Black Days in Afghanistan
  • The Saviour of Future
  • Mr Mazdak feels embarrassed of his past belief and action
  • Afghan order on Language use in media
  • Outrageous attacks on Ashura day in Afghanistan
  • Western Democracy in Afghan Style

