Assad Cina



of nature


I tried to let myself cry

Through the clouds, the rain


In the heart of the morning

I cried


With the ever cold kiss of pain

I gave the garden to despair                       

The black beast                               



In daylight

I handed the freedom to

The storm, anger of nature

Rain falling, hard drops of tears

Rock hard

The force of nature, the anger of rain

The damage


The ever-forgiving arms of the wind

The clean breeze of morning

Fresh, to support

Eases the anger, for a hope of tomorrow


Through the light of the rain

And the shade of white clouds

Despair is washed away

Rain eases, the raindrops are soft and gentle


The raindrops bring hope

Darkness is washed away

The garden is freshened by rain

Life continues


Pain, the hard icy cry, is now softened

The night is over

There will be no more tears

The clouds will not threaten

I leave the garden



                                                 By: a.c.alim

                                     Edited By: Charmaine Caldwell