هومان يوسفی
هومان یوسفی یکی از شاعرانو نمایشنامه نویسان شناخته شده در بریتانیا است.
او ماستر ادبیات در رشته ادبیات خلاقه است.
هومان تا کنون در چندین دانشگاه بریتانیا در مورد ادبیات و انواع و اقسام شعر و داستان و نمایشنامه سخنرانی نموده. همچنان شعر ها و نمایشنامه های او در بسیاری از روزنامه ها، جراید و رادیو های بریتانیا بهنشر رسیده است.
Still between frost
beard cold as grass
I think of the boys who
fought in class
Small faces posturing
dignity In curt blue
blazers cut for the year
after next. Shivering
like conscripts before
sun stilled air
as onlookers
gather in crops
Fat boys with short
fuses and behind
brittle bone Adam
squawks through
slits then blows like
crows from murders
spilling onto asphalt
Kicking breath till
a blossom of
senses finds now in
sweet screaming
justice just inches
from manhood
By ; Homan Yousofi
Lute of the mulberry tree
She sings
sanguine and squat
leafs by river dust
wide and gnarled
and dares for a peace
of resonance
ringing from soil
in water and bough
I cut her down
to harvest a fruit
a dome chambered lute
gauged in trunk,
string sinews on neck
fingered in emeralds
and lament
as I groove her
into instrument
Mother of my roots
hum for this man
for afghanistan,
A transmutation of woe
the spirit’s door
of a shattered ground
Homan Yousofi
07849 326 554