By Abdul Ali Faiq


London demonstration: in defence of our culture, religion and language


Karem Khuram, the Minster of Culture and Youth affairs fired a journalist for using ‘Unislamic words’.  Baser Babai, the fired journalist, had used Farsi/Dari words in a Farsi/Dari report.  Two other senior staff from local Balkh TV had also been penalized financially for broadcasting that report.

In a BBC interview, Karem Khuram, said: “Dr.Zabiullah Fetrat, head of local Balkh TV and Dawood Ahmadi, the head of the information department were both penalized financially for not refusing to broadcast the report prepared by Mr. Babai, in which Pashto words had been replaced by Unislamic Farsi/ Dari words”. 

The Minister has a long history of silencing, humiliating and disgracing journalists.  He belongs to Herb-e- Islamic party of Hekamtyar and a member of Afghan-Melat (Pashton supremacists who barrowed their manifesto from German Nazis).

On Friday 15th of January about 200 angry Afghanistani students, journalists, human rights activists, community association leaders, businessmen, organized a peaceful demonstration in front of Afghanistan Embassy in London in defense of freedom of speech and freedom mother tongue in Afghanistan.  The gathering was to make it absolutely clear that everyone is free to use their mother tongue and will remain free and that Afghan-Melat neo-Nazis would never be able to silence a nation.

In particular the highlights of the demands by demonstrators were as follows;

Demonstrators chanted “Death to anti-cultural Minister” Long live the unity among the people of Afghanistan” “Long live our Farsi language” “We protect our mother tongue with blood and life” “Long live the democracy in Afghanistan “Khuram promotes hatred”. “Khuram must be removed from the post” Khuram terrorizing our culture” Down with racist, anti-indigenous and anti-Farsi promoters” “Down with the enemies of our people and homeland” “Long live the people of Afghanistan” and so on.

Subsequently, Dr.Nooralhaq Nasimi the director and founder of Afghanistan Asia Community Organization recited his message, which inspired the demonstrators.

After that Dr.Latif a young Afghanistani graduated student “We condemn the action of Khuram” Khuram is an evil”

After that another young Afghanistani -medical student in South Kensington University recited his poem with a high spirit and deep mourn, which amazed the demonstrators.

After that, Mr. Abdul Jabar Arayee the Director and founder of Ariana Afghanistan Community Association recited the final resolution.”

There were many people from the demonstrators shutting and screaming “Sack the uncultured Minister” “He is the enemy of the education”

Finally, Mr. Abdul Ali Faiq thanked and welcomed the demonstrators in English Language and, recited the “Manifesto of demonstration

Manifesto of peaceful demonstration in London for defending our indigenous culture and language

Mr. Khuram, minister of Information and culture of Afghanistan, belongs to a group who promotes tribalism, discrimination, terrorism and is a Trojan horse of intelligence service of neighboring Pakistan.

Since his employment to the post of Ministry of Information & Culture, he has put tribalism, party politics and eliminating of indigenous culture his top priority. To name few from many:


1.   He omitted the Farsi writing off from the Ministry’s sign, it used to say ‘the ministry of culture and information’ in Farsi, but he has replaced that to Pashtoo. 

2.   He sacked Mr. Najib Rowshan from Chair of National Radio & TV. He then appointed a radical Pashtoon, Wahed Nazari who promotes Pashtoon superiority through Afghanistan radio and TV openly.

3.   He introduced radical changes to TV programs by mixing Farsi and Pashto words in TV programs to impose Pashto listening on the viewers.

4.   He replaced the Farsi word of ‘Negaristan’ which means ‘Gallery’ to English equivalent of it, out of malice.

5.   He appointed individuals who knew nothing about journalism or culture to farther his ideology of tribalism.

6.   He is not interested in protecting historical artifacts of our nation and is involved in trading them-a paradox to his post

7.   Mr. Khuram considers the use of indigenous terms such as DANISHKADA, DANISGAH and DANISHJU in broadcast and official places a crime, anti-Islamic, and anti cultural act.  By so doing, a minister from a governmental post has shocked our people in Afghanistan and outside Afghanistan around the world.

We, Afghanistani intelligentsia together with Afghanistan and Afghans organizations and societies condemn these anti-national, anti-indigenous and anti-Farsi policies. Afghanistani around the world, according to Human Rights policies and according to constitution of Afghanistan, requests the implementation of the followings:

  • Karim Khuram’s and his cronies urgent removal from their posts for their racist, discriminatory, malicious and destructive policies and deeds.


  • The creation of language equality and balance in Afghanistan governmental media according to cultural and regional needs and realities.


  • Putting an end to tribal monopoly in Ministry of Information & Culture and Afghanistan radio & TV; and appointing based on merit.
  • Putting an end to anti-indigenous and anti-Farsi policies in Ministry of Education, Information & Culture; Higher education, Universities and other governmental institutions.


  • Restoring the rights and positions of punished employees and issuing an official apology to the victims by Minister of Information and Culture.
  • Reforms to constitution of Afghanistan, particularly the diverted and added parts like “National Terms” in part fifth, article 16 which was introduced by egocentric and racist bodies of Karzia government.

Karzia government should not follow the anti-indigenous, anti-Farsi and old expansionist policies which are far cry from nation’s will and the realities of our age. Karzia should embrace and accept all the people of Afghanistan with their culture, language and heritage which has enriched out nations uniquely. Otherwise these negative policies will engulf their bringers in its flame, just like what has happened in the past. In other words, Karzia government and its foreign supporters should learn from the past and distance themselves from negative and anti-national policies.

The demonstration ended at 1:00 pm with the submission of a resolution to the Afghanistan embassy, but unfortunately it was refused by the first secretary of embassy Mr.Fareed Khan Popal.staf .They said we must make an appointment to see the ambassador .It means, they not promised to convey our message to concerned sources. It is a clear message of ignorance! Meanwhile, the BBC Pashto and Dari department did not publish the demonstration in their online website. Now we will move toward BBC station for a big demonstration.